
Financial Literacy- Financial Wellness information sessions

Program Name: (Financial Literacy- Financial Wellness information sessions)      Ages: Adults

Facilitator: Resident Services Counselor Shirley Benning                                           Fee: $0

Days of the Week: ☐Monday   Tuesday x Wednesday ☐Thursday ☐Friday

Start Date: 01/18/2023                                  End Date: 12/06/2023

Start Time: 6:00 P.M.                                      End Time: 7:30 P.M.

Location: Virtual

Program Description: The Resident Services Office is hosting a Virtual Financial Literacy Information sessions for Adults. The participants will learn how to navigate challenges and change their financial landscape. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about managing their finances, learn how to budget to help pay for rent and utilities, learn how to access resources to help increase income. This virtual information session is facilitated by resident service counsel Shirley Benning

The virtual informational sessions will be held on the first Wednesday of each month.

Participants will be required to register using a google meet link.

Event Properties

Event Date 08-02-2023 6:00 pm
Event End Date 08-02-2023 7:30 pm
Individual Price Free
Location Virtual
We are no longer accepting registration for this event